Orobitg – arquitectes i urbanisme | Base d’estació d’esqui de Soldeu - Orobitg - arquitectes i urbanisme

Base d’estació d’esqui de Soldeu

Client : Grup Calbó + ENSISA
Architect : Max de cusa + Orobitg A&U
Projected area : 50.000 m²
Pre-project : 2012/13
Construction :
Cost : 35 M €

These studies solve the need to broaden the base of Soldeu ski resort, Andorra.
An ambitious program aims to locate a commercial, residential and parking area on the edge and underneath of a platform that will serve as a reception zone.
The arrival of the Avet track would be extended and it could be located in a much more comfortable manner a grandstand and logistic equipments for the races of the European and world cup circuit of alpine ski.
It will be also needed a study of urban planning and roads to achieve a smooth flow of traffic in and around the village.